Friday, November 19, 2004

More ideas for my friend Arte

I have some stellar new ideas for Arte the Absurd.

As far as regional areas to steal the name of er..uh.. I mean to use the name of other areas as your own.

1) How about the Nevada Angels? 9th largerest state in US (by square miles) and not 1 professional sports team in ANY sport.

2) How about the Lunar Angels? I mean I know it's actually a satellite BUT I mean come on a whole planet type area?? That's HUGE!

3) Ok, so I liked the Pacific Standard Time Zone Angels. But you could expand to PST & MST because then you include 15 different states & only 6 of those states have professionl sports teams of any kind & only 3 have professional babseball teams so that is a huge chunk.

Or you could be like the fans and players and just be faithful to your team & your fans no matter what. I mean we all love it when a true fan is faithful even through the slow years , the losing years & the slumps. But what, Now that you BUY a team when it's on the winning side you want to give them an identity that does NOT connect them to their fan base? Are you crazy? Oh yeah, you're Arte The Absurd.

I think you should just admit you don't care about the team or it's fans. You might as well sell the Angels and go buy a Hockey team.

Look at how good that sport is doing right now.

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Los Angeles Angels...

I think for fun they should be named The Los Angeles Lost Angels... LOL

Well I think if MLB has no issue with the Angels being renamed the Los Angeles Angels my issue is with Arte Moreno. I mean Angels stadium is over 30 miles away from Dodgers stadium. If that is authorized then I think Arte's vision is too limited.

I mean he should look at California Angels, or West Coast Angels or even the Pacific Standard Time Angels (I mean how much of a market share could that control eh?).

Or if Arte wants a BIG chunk of revenues & popularity why stop at the Rockies? Why not The New York Angels? I mean isn't New York the biggest sports city & biggest stage in America?

I now think my issue with my friend Arte is his lack of vision. I mean if you're going to go ridiculous you might as go past the point of reason and go so far past it that it was just a blurr when you think you saw it.

But again, I'm just a true sports fan, what do I know. Wanna really get my goat? Ask me my feelings on stadiums having commercial names... Grrrrr

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Last of the Toadish Tee Hee's (For a while)

Fear not...

I have tons of jokes ready...

I like the bank robber best (on this list).
Judy, here are some things to make you smile wqhile you're feelin' down. 102 WOW!

What does a bankrupt frog say?
"Baroke, baroke, baroke."

What has more lives that a cat?
A frog that goes croak every night.

Why did the frog go to the bank with a gun?
He wanted to robbit.

Why are frogs such liars?
Because they are amFIBians.

How can you tell a frog doesn't have ears?
They don't move when a car is coming toward them.

What did the frog do after it heard a funny joke?
It started to croak up!

Why did the gag-writer turn green?
Cause the gag-writer was sick of writing frog jokes!

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

I have edited it again...

Yes I have update the ever growing Christmas list again..

If you're interested here it is....

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

More Emerald Tinted Tee Hee's

102 WOW!!
Next to that I don't feel so sick anymore....
(Although I am coughing like I have tuberculosis) Everybody at work is afraid of me right now ( I think I like that).

What is the thirstiest frog in the world?
The one who drinks Canada Dry!

What's red and green and goes 175 miles an hour?
A frog in a blender.

What do you get if you add milk?
Frog nog!

What happens if you drink frog nog?
You Croak!

What do ya call a frog's favorite soda?

Why did the motorcycle rider buy a pet frog?
To pick the flies out from between his teeth!

"Waiter... Waiter... Do you have frog legs?"
-"No!... I always walk this way!"

"Waiter... Waiter... Do you have frog legs?"
-"Yes Sir!""Then hop on over to the kitchen and get me a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich!"

How deep can a frog go?
Knee-deep Knee-deep!

What do stylish frogs wear?

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I don't feel much better...

Howdy Howdy,

Did y'all miss me?? Well I was late to day as I was at a function this morning to celebrate a long God centered life that has passed on. Good for him, he is now home & with his wife in front of our Lord. It was exciting and made me stop and think.

What would I be remembered for?
Country Music
Frog Jokes
Hyper Activity
Crazy Games...

I'd love to be remembered for my obvious love of God
My willingness to share Christ with everyone
My firm stance in what is right even when it's NOT popular

So with that in mind, I think I will be spending some time inspecting my life to see how I'm doing so far.

I do challenge you to do the same. Let me know what you find.
Do you find you like to share Gods love with anyone with-in ear shot?
Do you love to hear Gods word being spoken or taught?
Do you look forward to interacting with other believers?

If yes, than what are you going to do next?
If no, then time to try to figure out why.

Well I did just recently get to work so I gotta scoot for now.

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Monday, November 15, 2004

I don't feel good...

Howdy Howdy,

Not feelin' real witty today, My Mawee & I have caught a bug (And we didn't even have a cage). I'm trying to let mine go but I think he wants to stay and take up permanent residence. Does that mean I'm sub-letting & can I charge rent? Or does that mean that I will have to refer to my self in the plural now?

Hmmm, I'm hot, sweaty & dying of thirst. I think I'm sick (Or have that virus that was in "The Stand"). In which case my problems will be over in 72 hours right??

OK, well I must go back to my job & be productive...


"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

P.S. I need a new quote, I think I like Groucho's quote...