Monday, April 10, 2006

What is a man...

Well the definition of a man really depends on your culture or circle of influence.

Webster says:
  • An adult male human.

  • A member of the genus Homo, family Hominidae, order Primates, class Mammalia, characterized by erect posture and an opposable thumb, especially a member of the only extant species, Homo sapiens, distinguished by a highly developed brain, the capacity for abstract reasoning, and the ability to communicate by means of organized speech and record information in a variety of symbolic systems.

  • male human endowed with qualities, such as strength, considered characteristic of manhood.

God said:

  • "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
  • Then the LORD God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.

Some cultures make it even easier to define. These are some common beliefs from the past & present.

  • If he can reach the bar & buy a drink he's a man.
  • If he can hold a job and help with income he's a man
  • If he's 13 or older he's a man
  • If he's 18 he's a man
  • If he's 21 he's a man
  • If he can go to war for his country he's a man
  • If he can vote he's a man.

Personally I somewhat think it's a blend of those things and more that make me consider someone a man. I have met & seen 30 year old boys & 14 year old men.

Here is what I think it takes to be considered a man:

  • Be humble, we were all created in Gods image & we are all exactly how God planned us to look. There were NO mistakes
  • Be accountable, mean what you say, say what you mean & be someone people can count on.
  • Be respectful, dominating or intimidating doesn't make you a man it makes you a bully. Real men are in control of themselves (To a point) and don't need to push anyone. A person with real power has the ability to let someone else use it.
  • Here's a big one, know what you don't know! A real man knows his limitations & will ask for help or instruction. A boy claims he knows it all & goes about his business proving himself wrong over and over.

A real man isn't based on age, height or strength. A man isn't a man because he can drive, vote or drink. Real men are made by God & shaped by other real men.

I do truly believe with all my heart my son is becoming one of those real men.

Happy 17th Birthday Jameson.

"Stick to your guns if you believe in somethin no matter why cause it's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who your not"
- Van Zandt