Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I'm back, I'm back, I'm back..

Yes it has been a while BUT when you lose all your passwords & such it makes it difficult.

So do you think that computers holding passwords & cell phones holding telephone numbers has effected our memory?

I used to know 100's of phonenumbers off the top of my head now I know my home number..LOL

Crazy times eh??

Speaking of crazy times, how do you handle them? Here is an example of someone who has had a day worse than you will ever have.

Experiencing Faith's Challenge
Job 1:9-11

Satan had a skeptical view of Job's faithfulness to God. He believed Job served God only because he had so many blessings. He believed that if everything were taken away from Job, then Job would turn away from God. He believed that God had placed a hedge of protection around Job and that if that hedge were removed he would no longer serve God. God removed the hedge.

Read Job 1:9-12. Why might God allow such tragedy to befall one of His servants?

How does the fact that God sees, knows of, and allows your suffering make you feel?
Angry or comforted?

Job never could have anticipated the challenges soon to come his way. He was ready not because he knew what was coming but because he knew the One who knew what was coming. His faith in God gave him courage and power to face whatever came his way.

Which of the following most accurately describes how you face trials:

__ A palm tree bending at the force of hurricane winds.
__ A ship tossed back and forth and loosed from its moorings during the storm.
__ A person at peace in a storm shelter while the hurricane blows outside.
__ A weatherman reporting on the storm during the height of the winds.
__ A house completely wrecked and destroyed by the force of the winds.

Which one you like to represent how you face storms in the future.

Part of trusting God during adversity is to "Anticipate Faith's Challenge." Knowing challenges will come helps us trust God when they do come.God's Hedge of ProtectionGod told Satan, Everything he owns is in your power.

How does that statement make you feel?
__ Angry with God for not protecting Job.
__ Comforted that God is in control of Satan.
__ Confused that God would strike such a deal with Satan.
__ Sorry for Job that he had to face such problems.

So time to make a decision on who you trust & how you'll act regardless of outside influences or situations!

"Stick to your guns if you believe in somethin no matter why cause it's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who your not"
- Van Zandt