No I am not among the walking dead, Although I have felt like it lately....
Is it me or have the days gotten shorter ( I know they are no longer 24 hours long!).
Ya know what's funny about Ms. Sirah's blog links....
I have updated mine more than 4' nothing & Hameson yet she refers to mine as the one NOT updated. What's with that...
Well some brief updates (Problem Sirah is I have less free time with my new job).
First as I referred to it above.. I have a new position. No big office or great pay BUT lots more fun. I am now in the legal dept. Yahoo for me !!!
Second, since the discipleship retreat we did have our dog eat dog weekend which was very succesful.
And.. I am getting ready to help instigate an ongoing discipleship study for specific individuals...
Lastly, Master Smythe not only made the football team but he has his first HOME game today (Which I am going to go see.
So that's some of the busy ness I have been experiencing lately.....
I think I need a vacation from my last vacation....LOL
"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)