Thursday, June 17, 2004

Congats to all !!!

Howdy Howdy,
Well yes it has been a while but now that we have internet at home you would think I would update my BLOG more often. Guess I fooled ya eh?

I am just hollerin' a quick hello and congrats to all the yutes who have left school for the year (And most going on to new schools). Namely Meagan Fowler & Elizabeth Jones. Time to take that step to adulthood & start the college adventure.

Then we Have Jameson, Sarah & Justin who have now ventured into the full on teenage life (AKA Highschool). Plus all the brainiacs who are on to their next year of additional highschool bliss... (Yes you WILL think of these years fondly after you finish them..LOL)

Well now I guess summer has officially started for most of you...

Go out enjoy God, enjoy life, infect, affect & effect those around you..

CIAO ! (For Elizabeth ;) )

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Gray dresses & all...

Well today was a fantastic day...

1st I got to hear a great message from Pastor Keith.
(I also heard Michael's was pretty incredible too).

Then I got to have a nice lunch and then a long nap.

And that was only half my day...

I was invited (Along with lots of other people) to Ms. Meagan's graduation party. She was happy & giddy and laughing, she seemed very joyful & excited. She also looked beautiful in that gray dress (Wink Wink).

Then I got to have dinner with my best friends and have just a nice social evening (It's been way too long for that). We played Pinnochle too. I was having so much fun & I was so relaxed I didn't care that the women folk cheated & won. I didn't care (much) that the Lakers lost either.

Today will go in my book as a good day.

Pssst! GOD, thanks for grabbing my heart the first time & thanks for tugging again lately..

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)