Monday, April 19, 2004

Howdy Howdy,

Well, last night Michael played Settlers with us! ( I do not know if he's addicted yet) BUT he did win. Yeah Michael !!!

We had a nice, small crowd but it was perfect. We ate well, laughed much and enjoyed each other's company greatly.

The rest of you just missed out. ;)

Hey, I heard a quote today & I liked it so I'm gonna share it with y'all.

It's regarding the body of Christ.

"We don't work in unity, we work in harmony." Meaning, we are all different. We have different talents & gifts so we don't all do the same work, BUT we work together supporting each other to make the body whole & healthy. Well I liked it...

OK, back to work (after Chinese food). So do y'all think Jack really shot Chapelle??

"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the REACH of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the NEED for God's grace."

Sunday, April 18, 2004

To Be or Not To Be.. OR.. Who do YOU say he is?

Yep yep,
It R Sunday, 1 more week and the alien invasion begins..

today's lesson was pretty good (I think), Michael let me teach and I just had the yutes state what they thought Jesus claimed about himself. Than I had them support those thoughts with scripture.

We are preparing for the student conference next weekend:

Planet Wisdom

It will be sooo cool, and yet some of our yutes will have to miss out. So sad, so bad....

Today we are having a hang out or game day so we'll see which of the yutes really like being part of this group & which just join us at church ;)

No Nate, A baseball game is understandable. It beats board games anytime..

Well I gotta go prep the pad for the yutes...


"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the REACH of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the NEED for God's grace."