Friday, April 30, 2004

How do you live?

Which is worse?
A non-believer who doesn't follow God's Laws or a believer who doesn't follow God's laws?

Which is worse?
A believer who doesn't follow Gods laws or a believer who follows Gods laws and looks down on the one who doesn't?

We should all try to follow what God has commanded us to do. If you are trying to follow His commands & your fellow brother/sister in Christ isn't, you are called to help them repent & keep them accountable. Pride & smugness have no place in a believers walk.
(Remember the original sin?)

When you are trying to follow God's calling, you are submissive to Him & His will. You may have plans or desires but if God calls you in another direction, your duty is to follow His calling.

Here is a paraphrase of a quote I like

"Through thick & thin, keep your hearts at attention, in adoration before Christ, your Master. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks you why you're living the way you are."

Can you tell me who said it? Or where it's from?

Yes I found my soapbox again... :)

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

It's Tuesday so the Alien must be back...

Howdy Howdy,
Yes I know it's been a while but, I've been internet deprived for a while.

So I'm back... Miss me???

So of course, I have tons of things I wanna say about kewl stuff I heard all week on the radio. But I'll skip that and kick over my soap box until another time.

The Student Conference!!!
It was soooooo cool. I am sad to say some people who were there ( I heard student head count topped 1500) were too busy being cool, or too worried about what other people might think that they seemed to NOT have as much fun as I did.

Yes I had a GREAT time..
Teacher was supburb. Taught from the Bible, read scripture, didn't need to discuss books or people that talked about the Bible. The Bible was enough!!
Skit Guys-Hilarious (Yes at times they may seem a little irreverant, but I think they tie it all in and show where they stand).

The band "The Swift" I had never heard of them before this conference but I liked them alot. CJ Do you like their CD? If NOT I want it back ;) .

Well that's all for now... just remember our next BIG event is the Dog Eat Dog weekend !!!

Ok, I'm off to eat green stuff with the Alien.

"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the REACH of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the NEED for God's grace."