Sunday, June 13, 2004

Gray dresses & all...

Well today was a fantastic day...

1st I got to hear a great message from Pastor Keith.
(I also heard Michael's was pretty incredible too).

Then I got to have a nice lunch and then a long nap.

And that was only half my day...

I was invited (Along with lots of other people) to Ms. Meagan's graduation party. She was happy & giddy and laughing, she seemed very joyful & excited. She also looked beautiful in that gray dress (Wink Wink).

Then I got to have dinner with my best friends and have just a nice social evening (It's been way too long for that). We played Pinnochle too. I was having so much fun & I was so relaxed I didn't care that the women folk cheated & won. I didn't care (much) that the Lakers lost either.

Today will go in my book as a good day.

Pssst! GOD, thanks for grabbing my heart the first time & thanks for tugging again lately..

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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