Friday, November 19, 2004

More ideas for my friend Arte

I have some stellar new ideas for Arte the Absurd.

As far as regional areas to steal the name of er..uh.. I mean to use the name of other areas as your own.

1) How about the Nevada Angels? 9th largerest state in US (by square miles) and not 1 professional sports team in ANY sport.

2) How about the Lunar Angels? I mean I know it's actually a satellite BUT I mean come on a whole planet type area?? That's HUGE!

3) Ok, so I liked the Pacific Standard Time Zone Angels. But you could expand to PST & MST because then you include 15 different states & only 6 of those states have professionl sports teams of any kind & only 3 have professional babseball teams so that is a huge chunk.

Or you could be like the fans and players and just be faithful to your team & your fans no matter what. I mean we all love it when a true fan is faithful even through the slow years , the losing years & the slumps. But what, Now that you BUY a team when it's on the winning side you want to give them an identity that does NOT connect them to their fan base? Are you crazy? Oh yeah, you're Arte The Absurd.

I think you should just admit you don't care about the team or it's fans. You might as well sell the Angels and go buy a Hockey team.

Look at how good that sport is doing right now.

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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