Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My Christmas List

1st I reserve the right to change, add, subtract or manipulate the list as often as i want to regardless of what effects it may have.

My Christmas List for 2004
Not in any specific order

1) Band of Brothers on DVD
2) Square Black Onyx Ring
3) Issey Miyake cologne
4) Tuscany cologne
5) Dodge Ram Quad-Cab
6) Lonestar’s Greatest Hits CD
7) $3.2 Million after Taxes
8) All expense 3 week vacation in Italy W/ Mawee
9) A Weekend get away to Palm Springs
10) My own home
11) My daughter being local to me
12) My parents being closer to me
13) No more lawsuits
14) My “kids” to truly be in love with God
15) I wish those who said they would move to Canada if Bush wins would leave already!
16) Some New Wranglers
17) New pair of rough out cowboy boots
18) To really become the man my wife thinks I am.
19) To win grants or scholarships to go back to school
either to teach or maybe seminary?
20) 1st 3 seasons of “24” on DVD
21) The 1st 3 Seasons of "Smallville"
22) A New Suit
23) LA Kings season tickets (Nose bleeds are fine)
24) ANAHEIM Angels season tickets (See above for seat preference)
25) A Mazda Miata or Dodge Durango for Mawee (Yes that would b a gift for me!)
26) English Bulldog
27) A Gortex Body suit for my Jukebox (Leather would be fine too)
28) A new Dell 8400 Desktop 'puter
29) An auto charger for my Jukebox
30) One of those "Tough Sheds" for my bikes & yard tools.
31) A Craftsman 6 Drawer Roll Away tool box
32) A 10 gl Wet/Dry shop-vac
33) Have my hot tub fixed
34) 10 or 12 New Dress shirts (get rid of the faded ragged ones).
35) Nice Camel color Mens Wool Over Coat

And I didn't even get insane here.....

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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