Wednesday, December 01, 2004

What is saved?

So this has been a pet project for me for a while.

Here was the question I was asking people (Mostly students):

What does it mean to be save? What did you do to confirm being saved?

Now think about those questions for a minute. We all know God did the saving so I wasn't trying to trick or trip anybody. I wanted to know how you would state what you did to define being saved.

I have heard a lot of the comman "pat" answers like these:

1) I asked God to forgive me of my sins
2) I realized I was a sinner
3) I asked Jesus into my heart (What does this mean?)
4) I recognized Jesus as the son of God
5) I prayed to God
6) I came forward at Church/School/Event etc...
7) I accepted Jesus died for my sins
8) I know Jesus rose from the dead (And this effects us how? We can't stop here)
9) I accept Jesus as my savior (Nobody ever restates this sentence, this is the answer I get when I ask for more detail I get that deer in the headlights look)
The one I truly liked the most (Being serious here)
10) I gave my life to God because he gave his son for me (I think that puts it in perfect perspective)

So I wonder if I was asked this someday (Long after I did my little inquiry) I wonder if I would have a real understanding of what I was given & what I have done since.

I liked the idea & answer of giving our lives to God. It is not an easy thing & we fail often but if we keep that thought in mind I think we'd be more of what were supposed to be, Don't you?

This is just my opinion. I'd love to hear..
What do you think?

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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