Sunday, April 11, 2004

Well here it is Sunday afternoon. I went to church, heard a great message and am now home preparing for a nice relaxing lunch. Then, it's back to work (Yep, today is the day I finish the back yard). Thanks to Robert we got all of the main framing and support finished yesterday.

Today, we focused on The Risen Lord (which is appropriate with today being Easter). Anyway, part of that focus was the fact that because Christ has risen we too (as believers) can also count on our own resurrection (or our own easter as I saw in a poem this morning).

So, we need to remember that we died to ourselves and Christ lives in us. This means that we may have plans or goals or ideas for our lives BUT we must 100% submit to the sovereignty of God if we are truly Christians. If we have that relationship to look forward to, having eternity with Christ, then we need to live for Him now & not for ourselves. It's one or the other we can't have both.

Just a thought. But, I thought it was a good thought to think about ;)

I'll be back later after I swat some nails.

Oh yeah, it's been 3 days since I've played Settlers (I'm having withdrawls now).

"Your worst days are never so bad that you are beyond the REACH of God's grace. And your best days are never so good that you are beyond the NEED for God's grace."


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