Friday, April 02, 2004

Howdy Howdy,

Well I was going to write some kewl stuff at my afternoon break but I have no open internet access at work. So I had to try to remember all the neat stuff I wanted to comment on until I got home.

First, I was listening to KBRT again (K-Bright). I need to thank Sally for this, she borrowed my truck a week or so ago and when I got it back this is the station that was on. All of you that know me know I LOVE music.. But this station grabbed me one day. As I started the engine they were talking about stuff that I found interesting. Here I am a week & a half later and I'm still listening to it. I even tried to get my radio in the house to receive it, but that didn't work.

Anyway, back to today's listening adventure. I was listening to Dr.McGee (Is he dead?) and he did this cool analogy. So, I'll readers digest it for ya (Condense it)...

When he was a young farm Boy in Oklahoma, one of his chores was milking the cow before school. He'd go out to the barn, with an old lantern, to go feed the mean, nasty cow. He said that when he took 2 steps into the barn with the lantern, he could hear all of the rats running & scurrying away from the light. He also said by the time he got to "Bessie" ( I don't remember what he said the cow's name was) the birds that were roosting in the rafters started singing & chirping.

Now the light didn't make the rats rats nor did the light make the birds birds. The light just revealed who they were & some ran from the light while others sang & praised the light (You can see the analogy coming eh?). So like mankind, some people are rats who run and hide from the light while others are birds who sing & praise the light. Which are you?

Then he mentioned those Miners in PA that were buried a while back. He stated how after days of digging & drilling that they finally broke through & found the miners still alive. So the rescuers started digging a bigger hole & passing stuff in & one of the trapped men asked why don't they turn some lights on. Well... The rescuers did have lights on (who can dig & crawl w/o some light?). So they, and the other trapped miners, realized the man was blinded by the original explosion. He didn't know this until the light was revealed. That is how sin in our lives works. It blinds us from God and the work of the Holy Spirit & tends to make us want to run and hide when we should come into His presence, soaking in His glory & praising Him.

So many of you yutes (Adults too) think that you are doing OK if you do what YOU want & just don't let anyone else see you. You also think it's OK to be so attracted to worldly things that you will pass on God, His body (the Church) and Biblical fellowship (because, you reason, it's just this one time, or because it's a prior commitment).

Bottom line is, it's between you & God. But don't be blinded, be honest with yourself. If this is what you're doing than say so; but it's not up to me to change your heart. Just admit to yourselves that you are choosing the world over God, Church & Fellowship. When you become honest enough with yourself, then maybe you will be open to hearing God.

Now let me clarify, because I've been hit for this before. Yes sometimes EVERYBODY has other commitments that can or do interfere with their time with the body or Church. But whenever there's a choice between God & Church or a worldy pursuit, Church usually (if not always) loses. You should be worried. Deeply worried. Because I know this is where some of you are & I am deeply worried for you.

Well this is my thoughts and reactions to what I heard this afternoon.


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