Monday, January 09, 2006

Music/Toonage/Emo ??

So those of you who know me pretty well know I have a minor affection for music. I said Affection! Who said obsession?

Anyways; I like music. All music, any & every genre. Lately I've been listening to more current "rock" bands. From those who scream like they're chasing away bears to the mellow syrupy teary eyed "Sugar Pop" stuff.

Again, I've learned there is not much new under the sun.

Lets take into account thses bands:

Fallout Boy
Yellow Card
My Chemical Romance

I do like what I have heard from all of these bands, BUT I'm pretty sure I have heard it all before. See, I'm an 80's guy. MTV kicked off when I was a sophmore & it was awesome (That was when MTV played nothing but music vidoes (It is named "Music Television") now they play junk about how rude & obscene can you be and still have someone on this planet think you're cool. That's NOT including any music videos.

Anyways, I digress, the music I'm hearing from these new bands sound frightfully familiar. They sound like they have taken riffs or styles from the 80's bands I grew up loving.

New Order
Faith No More

(Threw the last one in to see if you were paying attention LOL)

So I like the new stuff but probably because they sound like the old stuff (Or as I would call it "The Good Stuff") and no I'm not talking about Kenny C. That might be the subject of my next Blog Rambling.


"Stick to your guns if you believe in somethin no matter why cause it's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who your not"
- Van Zandt


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