Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Blogspace, MySpace, PublicSpace

So in reading Ms. Mawee's BLOG I have been inspired...

Yes I have been looking at EVERYONE's My Space for a few months now. It's not a secret, I have told everyone I look at them. There's the dilema, should you be yourself and let the world know who you are (or aren't) , or should you dress it up because leaders, parents & strangers are looking at your information?

Well I hope what I've seen isn't a result of the latter. If this is the dressed up version then I really need to wonder about some people. Now not all sights are trash (Completely) I know this is a place to voice yourself, your opinions & your angst.

But most of the world who sees your site will judge you by what is on there. If your's is clean but every friend has sugestive phrases, pictures or rude language. Well it is your site so that is what the world thinks of YOU.

The kicker is Jameson thinks it's wierd that I look at the "My Space" of our kids.. Isn't it creepier that strangers are looking at you and forming opinions based on the pictures, quotes, friends & statements YOUR space is showing??

Mary quoted a saying I have said to most of you, these sights show it's 100% true, if it weren't their behavior on your sites would offend you too (Not just the rest of us).

Think about it..

"Our goal is not self-confidence. It is Christ-confidence."
-Charles Stanley


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