Wednesday, February 09, 2005

3rd times a charm right?

Howdy Howdy,

No I haven't been hiding or avoiding my Blog. I have actually typed 3 updates since Christmas and then as I enter them they disappear. So if you see them hiding somewhere tell them to come home.

Many many things have happened since then too...

1st Ms Mawee got me the coolest present you could imagine, she also pulled off a bold face lie right to my face (She threw a surprise party for my 40th) yes.. I'm forty, I'm older. I'm ONLY 5 years from my prime !!! 5 More years baby !!!

And lets see, the only team I hate MORE than the Broncos won the Super Bowl again!!! I hate the Patriots Grrrrrr

And of course my buddy ATA has gotten away with giving the Angels to Los Angeles & making Anaheim pay for it. I would love to find a wealthy benefactor to buy 100% of the tickets to the Angels 1st home game & have zero attendance. Nobody but players, coaches & employees ( I mean I can't have Bethany out of work ya know). I wonder if they would react to that? Well the players might but ATA wouldn't care. A sold out game gives him the $$$ he's looking for and we now know that his love for the game means his love for $$$ and attention.

Also we (At church) got a blessing in the form of some furniture donations. So I've been a bit busy with my truck lately but that is always cool with me.

And of course it's getting busy at church with the youth.

We have winter camp coming up and as usual many of the students have again chosen NOT to come, this is such a great time for the youth to act as a group with-in the body it deeply saddens me that we cannot get unity on many of the bigger activities.

We also have the student conference coming than after that it's Pismo, Ponderosa, Hume or Czech (Depending on who you are). Then it's Dog Eat Dog and who knows what else is to come?

Busy busy busy, But it's all encouraging to the body & hopefully glorifying to God.

Well I gotta run & we'll see if this update makes it to the web eh?

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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