Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Just Do It !!!

Know what company that slogan belongs to??

Well it says "Just Do It" but what is it??

As Christians what is "It" that we should be doing (More importantly) what is "It" that we ARE doing?

They (The infamous "they") say as an adult look at your checkbook. Where do you spend most of your $$$. Are you paying bills & being a proper steward & example to friends & family? Are you buying too many fancy toys, new gadgets or excessive entertainment? What about God, is He in there? Are you as consistent and remembering God as you are at renting that movie from Blockbuster, buying that Cold Stone & paying your rent (Those last 3 are to me).

OK, As students, teenagers & minors; What did you do with the last bit of $$$ you received (Whether it was from babysitting a part time job or loaned from mom & dad). Did you even stop to think about it? I'm NOT saying you should give part of your allowance or $$$ from M & D to the church, but why shouldn't you? Or at least consider the fact that God ensured it would end up in your hands.

I am MORE interested how much of your time is given to consider God. Last night after your homework (or during for some of you) what were you thinking about. Were you thinking about the season premiere of Smallville, The Gilmore Girls or Home Makeovers? Were you thinking about that weird student who sits behind you in second period? Did you start to plan out what you will wear tomorrow? Did you worry about that "surprise" exam on Thursday? Where was God in this?? Where is God to you, in your mind? Is he put away and kept safe where you dust him off on Sunday mornings & Wednesday nights? Or do you do better than that because you do remember to pray before each meal (Even when you're alone). Well remember God is with us, you & me all the time. When we're not thinking of him he is still thinking of us. So think about that last time you really spent sometime with God and remember this. God has been thinking of you before that & since then regardless of what you've been doing. The bad part is he knows what you have been thinking about when you're too busy or distracted to remember him.

So now is the time to face the truth, or where the rubber meets the road. I ask you...
"Just Do It" But know what you (As Christians) are supposed to be doing. How can you show a friend Gods love when YOU aren't even remembering God's love??

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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