Thursday, August 05, 2004

WWW is World Wide

I think it is sooooo cool that Michael has been updating his BLOG from the other side of the world.

It will be good to have him (And meagan, Ryan & Jennifer) back . I am curious what time do they arive at LAX and what time would that be in Czech time.

Michael would be pleased that The twins & fast Eddie have been staying active in our group & we have been having fun with them.

Pismo is coming fast. It is getting exciting & I am feeling the pressure of time running short (This is such a cool feeling).

The one thing is Michael does a get a weeks rest & doesn't have to do any preperation or teaching for Pismo, so maybe this will be very enjoyable for him.

"Suffering is NOT the worst thing that can happen to us. Disobedience to God is the worst thing"
(Tom White 1970)


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