Thursday, March 09, 2006

La la la la = Music...

So there is the coolest websiet that was made just for me... LaLa.Com.

This is a site you log into and list old CD's you have that you don't want anymore (You're NOT selling them) you're trading them to someonbe else who wants them. For a CD you want to have. No burnded CD's we're talking originals & hard to find gems.

From what I've gathered you list you CD's (Over 1.8 Million listed so far) they (the website) send you postage paid envelopes to send them in & find what you want. Your cost is $1.49 for processing & postage.

Here is a message by one of the founders of the site.

The founders of 'la la', John, Billy, Anselm and I are devout music fans and created the service for the benefit of artists and fellow music fans.

I'm writing this message to encourage you to do right by the artists you enjoy through our service. Despite what is depicted on MTV's Cribs, a wonderfully entertaining show, most musicians don't live large with a big house and five cars. Rather, the majority of musicians struggle to make a living from their recordings and must depend on other income producing activities such as performing concerts or selling merchandise.

I'll be the first to advocate that artists should make a lot more from each CD. 'la la' is taking the unprecedented action of giving artists 20% of our revenues from used CDs, no used record store or online site does this today. I'll also promise to work tirelessly (only sleep four hours a night anyway- this is being written at 3:31 a.m. so pardon my punctuation) to reduce overhead in marketing costs across the industry, so artists can make more from selling their music.
I ask you to do your part by doing the right thing: remove songs from your iPod or PC if you've agreed to send the CD to another member.

If you want to listen to that CD again, just add it to your Want List and help us support that artist you can't get enough of. You'll have access to plenty of good music to enjoy in the meantime. We'll make sure of that!

Respect the artists and Karma will be on your side.

Regards,Bill Nguyen

'la la' Returns Variety to Music and Gives Back to Musicians

The Most Extensive Music Catalog Available for Trading and Purchase Goes Live
Palo Alto, Calif., March 7, 2006 -According to the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) nearly 30,000 album titles are released each year. With nearly 3 million available titles, the largest reseller, Wal-Mart, stocks only about 5,000 titles per store or less than 1% of available music. With choice quickly disappearing, 'la la' opens the largest, most diverse music store on earth with 1.8 million album titles available for trade at $1 each - same price as a song download except the extra penny buys the rest of the album.

While there is no obligation to do so, 'la la' is setting aside 20% of trading revenues for musicians.

The name 'la la' comes from some of the first words said by Bill's son.

"Stick to your guns if you believe in somethin no matter why cause it's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who your not"
- Van Zandt


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