Monday, March 06, 2006

He looks like my uncle Oscar....

Hey I’m baaaaack! Did y’all miss me…

So much to say & so much already forgotten…

I have had such a weird week last week, both good & bad. I shall choose to ignore the bad.

As far as the good stuff… The boyzzz all gave their testimonies and got baptized it was awesome. It was all about their relationships with Christ and it made me proud. To quote one particular statement “I’m luckier than a billionaire”. It was awesome….

That was last Sunday, NOT yesterday.

On Monday my Mawee came home (And brought the Texas flu with her). But at least she came back to me.

Tuesday was a hurried up day. I was given almost ZERO notice that a member of my favorite band was going to be somewhere that I could go meet him.

Yes, David Bryan from Bon Jovi, was at Mawee’s work. He is the keyboard/piano player for those of you NOT in the know. I have been a fan of their for over 20 years!! I was worried that them being so BIG and popular that David could be snobbish. I was greatly surprised he was awesome & super nice. He signed everyone of my CD’s (That’s nine folks) I think there is one album I do NOT have from 1992ish.

I have since learned David has his own website & a solo CD project (Which mawee ordered for me) it will also come autographed.

On Wednesday we had our youth group meeting and discussed a pretty serious topic & the amount of feedback by students who want to be accountable was incredible. Proof they are growing and don’t want to be viewed or treated as just “little kids or just students”.

Thursday I went to a Kings game with James. It was his first Hockey game. He did go see the Ducks once BUT this is his first REAL game (HA!) He agreed it was greatly different & he enjoyed it. Now that makes me want to go with all the guyz in the “Loser’s Club” James said he would gladly do again, BTW the Kings won that game to secure our 7th place position in playoff standings (They also won Saturday) so we are now 1 win out of 5th place Colorado & Vancouver must go DOWN!!!

Mary has been sick all weekend so it was mellow (Which I needed).

Last night I decided to watch the Oscars (That neighbor girl came over too ;) so I spent most of the night pleasantly surprised & quite joyful when Brokeback… didn’t win best picture.

How was your week??

"Stick to your guns if you believe in somethin no matter why cause it's better to be hated for who you are then be loved for who your not"
- Van Zandt


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